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Why is my Tesla shaking while driving?

Why is my Tesla shaking while driving?

Ever experienced the unexpected jitters while cruising in your Tesla? That unsettling shake can be quite a head-scratcher. We’ll decode the reasons behind why your Tesla might be shaking while on the road.

Feeling vibrations or shaking while driving your Tesla could be attributed to several factors, with misalignment in the tires being a significant contributor. When the wheels of your Tesla are not properly aligned, it can lead to uneven tire wear and disturbances in the smoothness of your ride. Misalignment might result from factors like hitting potholes, curbs, or other road irregularities.

Reasons Your Tesla Is Shaking While Driving

Experiencing shaking or vibrations while driving your Tesla can be caused by various factors. Here are several potential reasons.

  1. Wheel or Tire Imbalance

Imbalanced wheels or uneven tire wear can lead to vibrations. This issue is common and can be resolved through wheel balancing or tire rotation.

  1. Misaligned Wheels

Wheel misalignment can cause uneven tire wear and vibrations. If your Tesla’s wheels are not properly aligned, it’s advisable to have a professional alignment performed.

  1. Tire Issues

Check for damaged or unevenly worn tires. A damaged tire or one with irregular wear patterns can contribute to vibrations.

  1. Brake Issues

Worn-out brake components, such as brake rotors or brake pads, can lead to vibrations. Inspect the brakes for any signs of wear or damage.

  1. Suspension Problems

Issues with the suspension system, such as worn-out shocks or struts, can result in a shaky ride. A comprehensive inspection of the suspension components is recommended.

Tesla Repair and Maintenance at Oceanside Motorsports

With professionals possessing the requisite skills and specialized equipment, Oceanside Motorsports ensures accurate diagnosis and resolution of alignment issues specific to Teslas. Consistent maintenance and proactive management of irregularities at Oceanside Motorsports are instrumental in sustaining the peak health and efficiency of your Tesla, guaranteeing optimal performance.

Reach out today to schedule an appointment with us!


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