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How often should I get a wheel alignment for my Tesla?

How often should I get a wheel alignment for my Tesla?

While Teslas, like any other vehicles, may require wheel alignment adjustments over time, it’s important to note that electric vehicles, including Teslas, may exhibit different signs of misalignment compared to traditional internal combustion engine vehicles. 

Tesla generally recommends checking and, if necessary, performing a wheel alignment every 6,000 to 8,000 miles. However, it’s important to note that the frequency of wheel alignments can depend on various factors, including your driving habits, road conditions, and any unusual tire wear patterns.

Signs That Your Tesla Needs Wheel Alignment

  1. Off-Center Steering Wheel

When you’re driving in a straight line, take a moment to observe the position of your steering wheel. Ideally, the steering wheel should be centered, meaning it is perfectly aligned with the vehicle and points straight ahead. If you notice any deviation from this centered position—such as the steering wheel being off-center to the left or right—it could be an indication that your Tesla may require a wheel alignment. 

  1. Vibrations or Steering Wheel Wobbling

If you experience noticeable vibrations in the steering wheel or a wobbling sensation, particularly when driving at specific speeds, it could be a sign that your Tesla may have alignment issues. The steering system and wheels of your vehicle are designed to work smoothly together. When misalignment occurs, it can disrupt this harmony, leading to vibrations or a wobbling feeling transmitted through the steering wheel.

  1. Uneven Tire Wear

Consistent monitoring of your Tesla’s tire condition is crucial for identifying irregular wear patterns, especially focusing on excessive wear along the inner or outer edges. If you observe such wear, it could be indicative of a need for wheel alignment. Misalignment can disrupt the even distribution of forces on the tires, leading to uneven tread wear. The inner or outer edges are particularly susceptible to this kind of wear when the wheels are not correctly aligned. 

  1. Unusual Tire Noises

Listen closely to your Tesla’s tires for any unusual sounds, such as squealing or thumping. These noises could be indicative of potential issues related to wheel alignment. Misalignment can cause uneven tire wear and, subsequently, generate abnormal sounds as the tires interact with the road surface. Squealing noises may result from friction caused by improper alignment, while thumping sounds might signal irregularities in tire movement. 

  1. Advanced Driver-Assistance System (ADAS) Warning Lights

Certain Tesla models incorporate advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) that rely on precise wheel alignment for optimal functionality. If you observe warning lights related to these systems, it could be an indication of alignment issues. Proper wheel alignment is essential for the accurate operation of ADAS features, including lane-keeping assistance and adaptive cruise control. Misalignment can compromise the effectiveness of these safety systems, triggering warning indicators to alert you of potential issues.

Tesla Alignment Services at Oceanside Motorsports

If you notice any indications of misalignment or have concerns regarding your Tesla’s performance, it’s advisable to schedule an inspection at Oceanside Motorsports, a Tesla-authorized service center with expertise in servicing Tesla vehicles. 

Oceanside Motorsports possesses the necessary skills and specialized equipment to accurately diagnose and rectify alignment issues specific to Teslas. Regular maintenance and proactive addressing of any irregularities at Oceanside Motorsports contribute to the sustained health and efficiency of your Tesla, ensuring that it continues to operate at its best performance.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment!


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